Wall Pack & Area Light - LED Retrofit Lamps
100 Watt Retrofit - LED Wall Pack Bulbs
150 Watt Retrofit - LED Wall Pack Bulbs
175 Watt Retrofit - LED Wall Pack Bulbs
200 Watt Retrofit - LED Wall Pack Bulbs
250 Watt Retrofit - LED Wall Pack Bulbs
320 Watt Retrofit - LED Wall Pack Bulbs
400 Watt Retrofit - LED Wall Pack Bulbs
LED Directional Corn Cob Lights
LED directional corn cob lights are great options when retrofitting metal halide (MH) or high-pressure sodium (HPS) wall pack or shoebox (area light) fixtures. These directional corn cobs differ from their traditional counterparts by having all of their LED chips located along the one length of the bulb instead of all around. This makes these light bulbs ideal for retrofitting fixtures where you want more directional light such as shoebox lights on poles. All LED corn cobs offered by us require that you bypass your magnetic and electronic ballasts! If you do not bypass your ballast, you will damage the bulb. LED corn cobs run off of line voltages ranging from 120 to 277 volt.
Rotatable Base
Due to their directional nature it is imperative that these LED bulbs have their light facing the out of the fixture and not in. To achieve this, manufacturers have made these LED bulbs with bases that are rotatable. This allows you to twist your bulb once it is installed so that it faces out of your fixture.
Expandable Sides
Some of the larger and high wattage directional LED corn cobs are able to achieve their high lumen output by incorporating more LED chips on foldable sides. These sides do not face the outer side of the fixture so they are able to fold out to have all of the light facing the same direction.
Corn Cob Lamp Bases
LED corn cob lights come in two different base types: medium and mogul. Medium base recognized by its code E26 denoting its Edison (E) base with a diameter of 26 millimeters. Mogul bases (E39) are roughly 50% larger at 39 millimeters. Typically, the higher wattage metal halides and sodium lamps (HID) come with mogul bases and smaller wattages have medium bases. However, some smaller bulbs can have mogul bases. Make sure when purchasing an LED corn cob to retrofit your fixture that the bases match or else they won't fit within the socket.
- E26 - Medium Base - Edison 26mm
- E39 - Mogul Base - Edison 39mm
- EX39 - Mogul Extended Base - Edison 39mm
Field Selectable / Tunable Lights
Most of the newer generation of corn cob LED lights have the adjustable power and color temperature settings so-called: field-selectable, field-adjustable, tunable...etc. This means that each bulb can have its brightness and light color adjustable before they are installed giving you enormous flexibility in your application's light design.
Color Temperatures
Color temperature (CCT) is defined by the Kelvin rating at which a black box radiation emits a specific color of light. Lower Kevin ratings have warmer (orangish) colors and higher temperatures have cooler (white / blueish) colors. Typically, LED corn cobs have two options to choose from:
- 3000K - Warm White / Soft White
- 4000K - Cool White / Neutral White
- 5000K - Day Light
Power Settings
LED corn cobs are NOT dimmable lights. You cannot dim them with 120V line dimmers nor is there a way to dim them with the 0-10V dimming standard. To bypass this issue, new generation corn cobs have switches that adjust the power (wattage) setting of each individual light. This in essence gives you the ability to 'dim' the bulb.